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About Us

PUP Manila Pre-Law Society

The PUP Pre-Law Society, a socio-civic and academic organization inside the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, was founded on August 4, 2021. The charter was then duly recognized as a sister organization of the UP Manila and UP Los Banos PLS on October 6 of the same year during its mandated bi-annual alignment meeting.

To set standards and promote its pro-people orientation, PUP-PLS is geared to produce members that shall embody the following principles:

  1. Academic Excellence: PLS aims to produce exceptional level-headed members who embody excellence in various fields including their academics.

  2. Social Awareness: PLS believes that in order to foster pro-people lawyers, we must ground ourselves with the community we are bound to serve. We must be able to understand and heed their concerns and marry these with our own aspirations.

  3. Service: PLS recognizes that the Filipino people share the social role of emancipating society from violence and injustice. Thus, we urge our members to take an active role in serving those in the margins.

The pioneer set of its executive committee is currently occupied by the following members in their initiative to usher in the fresh start of the organization.


Antoinette Lee


Executive Vice President

Erick Adriano


Vice President for External Affairs

Diego Lafina


Vice President for Human Resources

Blesselda Girado


Vice President for Finance

Mark Alcazar


Vice President for Academics and Research

Cory Jimenez


Vice President for Publication and Promotion

Triz Valencia


Our Latin mantra, “Veritas Omnia Vincit, Fiat Justitia,” means “Truth conquers all, let justice prevail!”

Our Logo

PUP Manila PLS is a socio-civic and academic organization that firmly upholds its principle-driven pursuit of producing people-oriented members that shall embody the organization's principal objectives of academic excellence, social awareness, and service to the Filipino people.

As enshrined in the amended Constitution and Bylaws, the organization will be adopting the colors Maroon, Regal Blue, Yellow, and White to each their own definition:

  • Maroon reminds us of our origins as PUP students and of our public character of which we atone our aspirations to be future lawyers.

  • Regal Blue signifies our scholarly order and nature as parliamentarians and future practitioners of the legal profession.

  • Yellow radiates our bond with each other and the people we serve.

  • White signifies our forged unity and pure intentions in forwarding human rights and the hope that we envision as an organization.

On the other hand, PUP Manila PLS is also proud to introduce the new official elements incorporated in their rebranded logo.

  • The pillars signify our three primary objectives of social awareness, academic excellence, and service.

  • The laurel leaves signify our scholarship and the pursuit of knowledge.

  • The one star signifies PUP’s role as Tanglaw ng Bayan.

  • The scales of justice signify our role to intertwine law and justice.

  • The five concentric circles signifies our commitment to infinite wisdom

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